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The Trial of Sincere Christians

"The Trial of a Christian's Sincere Love to Christ," written by Westminster Divine William Pinke and first published in 1636, explores the concept of genuine love for Christ within the context of Christian faith. This work, which underwent multiple editions in the...

Glorious Jesus By John Owen

John Owen's View of the Glory of Christ John Owen (1616-1683) was a prominent Puritan theologian and author, devoted much of his writings to the profound exploration of the glory of Christ. Owen's works cited here, include "The Glory of Christ" (Owen, 1664, p. 13),...

Discover the Timeless Wisdom of the Puritans: Unveiling the 17th Century’s Spiritual Treasures at Puritan Publications

Step into a world of profound spiritual enlightenment with our remarkable collection of updated Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, now available in both print and ebook formats. Immerse yourself in the eloquent prose and reflective biblical insights of...

Why People Will Not Attend a Reformed Church

It is not the spirit of man that can, and doth thus work: for first, the spirit of man perceiveth not the things of God, till Godโ€™s Spirit acquaint him with them. Secondly, they be foolishness unto him. Thirdly, his wisdom is enmity with God, so as Godโ€™s wisdom in...

Reformed: Defined by Thomas Wilson

REFORMED: Lev. 26:23, "And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;24 Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins." ...that is, chastised, nurtured, restrained. 1. To withhold,...

The Glorious Love of Christ by John Owen

The Glory of the Person of Christ, as the only Representative of God unto the Church The glory of Christ is the glory of the person of Christ. So he calls it ฮคแฝดฮฝ ฮดฯŒฮพฮฑฮฝ ฯ„แฝดฮฝ แผฮผแฝดฮฝ, John 17:24, โ€œThat glory which is mine,โ€ which belongeth to me, unto my person. The person...

The Log College & Seminary

Originally established as The North American Reformed Seminary in 2008, The Log College & Seminary seeks to continue the mission, vision, and values of the original Log College and expand its reach as the twenty-first century continuation of this historic...

Election and Prayer by Robert Rollock

More then this (Brethren) ye see the Thessalonians are elected: yet he prays for them, Making mention (sayeth he) of you in our prayers. And for this same cause; knowing that ye are elected. Mark this. The election of God, that sure ground and foundation of life and...

Jeremiah Burroughs on the Lord’s Day

God would have us upon the Sabbath rest from all other works, that we may be free to converse with him. Therefore it is so much the more inexcusable if we have nothing else to do , [if we should] deny to converse with God as he requireth of us. If a friend should come...

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